Friday, March 7, 2008

How to Differentaite a Creative Brand Manager from and MBA

If you are looking for an MBA well then a Creative Brand Manager (CBM) is not what you want. But the CBM offers something different and unique that you won't find in a MBA candidate. I want to bring into light 3 ideas that will help differentiate the CBM from a MBA.

1) Creative - The CBM uses strategy and insight to come up with creative solutions to a problem.

2) Innovative - The CBM constantly is thinking about how to improve the story of a brand in an innovative way. The CBM is used to outside the box thinking, and looks at the situation from all angles to find the innovative solution.

3) Collaborative - The CBM works in teams and is used to working with a strategist, copywriter, and an art director. The CBM learns early on how to bring out the best qualities and strengths within the team, and is used to breaking the silos down.


School of Hospitality Mangement & Tourism said...
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PKL Creative Brand Management said...

hmm...commerce vs creativity.

In this economy perhaps there will be more room for the creative brand management types, less room for the non creative types pumping out the same old stuff.

They say the new MBA is master of business arts. Using creativity as a stimulus in developing strategy.

I am a creative type who is masked under an MBA. I believe I am both creative and commerce oriented ,thereby adding value, measuring the value of creativity always interested me.

I recently studyed an MBA fashion and luxury and throughly enjoyed creative intangibility stuff and creative approach to management, but where to now...thats is the question.

Sam said...

I think that is a bit one sided. Not all of us MBAs lack creativity. True, there are certain commercial tools MBAs are taught to use that might seem to undermine the creative process. However, the MBA is simply an introduction to the business world, and it is up to the MBA how to use those skills for the commercial prosperity of the business.

Having said that... How do you account for those of us with a background in the creative industry as artists that happen to be MBAs as well? Mind you, I have been a very successful creative artist in my past. I just happen to have an MBA too which helps me understand the commercial perspective of a business. Granted, we might be rare, but we do exists.